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Edinburgh Business School in the ArabWorld

Our relationship with Edinburgh Business School, the Graduate School of Business at Heriot-Watt University, began in 2004 when it appointed my company as its strategic partner in all the 32 countries of the Arab world.


Edinburgh Business School was and is one of the largest providers of postgraduate business degrees in the world. As its strategic partner in the MENA region, my role is to introduce collaborative partner institutions, advise on all commercial issues (my company plays no role in academic issues), and recruit and provide non-academic support to distance learning students in the region. We also manage the translation of the MBA programme into the Arabic language (to complement the School’s other offerings in Spanish, Chinese and Russian ).


Since 2004, over 7,000 new students have been recruited from the region, and 5,000 have been awarded degrees from Heriot-Watt University.


We have enabled academic collaborations with local institutions in Egypt, Jordan and closely supported the Heriot-Watt University campus in Dubai.


Our Arabic language initiative has included student support, the provision of quality assured learning content, and marketing collateral. Our expertise in this area of activity was recognised when I was invited to speak on the use of Arabic language in TNE at the THES

MENA conference in 2018.


My company has represented Edinburgh Business School every year at numerous networking and information sessions across the region and is fully supportive of the School at the annual Celebrations of Achievement and Graduation Ceremonies in Dubai or Cairo providing logistical support and staff.


In an era of unprecedented change in the Arab world, we have been able to play a strong role to ensure the continuing success of Edinburgh Business School in the region over many years and in many countries, and our contract was renewed in 2018.


We operate as Arab International Education Ltd. in Lebanon, and as EBSArabWorld Ltd. in all our other countries of operation.

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